Friday, February 20, 2015

Sleeping in weird places

The list of weird places that we have slept is growing. So far when we're not at an established campground or in a family/friend's driveway, we're at a Walmart or Bass Pro Shop, it's rare, just for a quick stop on a long drive. Once we slept in a zoo parking lot. We woke up to some delightfully, fun noises there. Now we can add a service bay to that list. While our RV was in the shop in Ohio, someone *an employee most likely* stole our solar panel off the roof of our RV! Yes, pretty despicable! So we had to replace it and since we were going to be at Lazydays for the rally, we figured we'd just have them do it. I have to say, we've dealt with about five RV service shops in the past few years, and while not perfect, this was the best experience of them all. The best part (and most important for a full-timer) is that when the shop closes, you can come back and sleep in your RV while it's still in the service bay! That alone is a reason to go to them for service, well and they have 220 service bays!

While staying at the campground, they give you two breakfast and lunch tickets per site/per day. We still had some left over, so we used those while the service was being done.

We were delighted to find that they have a new waiting area just for kids in the lobby. Our kids made themselves at home and entertained many passersby.

We were able to spend a little extra time with the few fulltime families that had stayed at Lazydays, and of course more pool time.

The kids learned how to kick their legs to swim and tried out their new masks and snorkels
that they had wanted so badly. We're still working on that though. 

It also gave us a chance to go to Tampa's MOSI (Museum of Science and Industry) TWICE!

I think this rope web was their favorite thing to play on. They grabbed a black rope that clipped on to one of the colored ropes and had to follow it over and under the others to get to the other side.

The 3D printing exhibit was very interesting, especially now that we have seen printing in action.
Here's a print of the notorious gun that we've all heard about, some assembly required.

Technology exists which can print a model of a baby while still in its mother's 
womb based on ultrasounds. I would have LOVED to have this done for my babies.

Fancy, shmancy shoes!

They're even using 3D printing to solve crimes based on info left at the scene!

The space exhibit takes you on a ride to the moon where one person 
drives across the moon to mine rocks while the other navigates.

Other random stuff

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