Friday, October 31, 2014

The Appalachian Trail, Massachusetts

While in Vermont, we made a day trip to Massachusetts to hike at Mount Greylock State Park.

The forest is so dense and brightly colored, I could barely believe my eyes!

We hiked Round Rocks trail which offered great views.

Luckily we had recently been warned not to touch these Hickory Tussock caterpillars!

In 1948 a plane crashed right here on the mountain. These rusted pieces, and the man's grave just a few feet away are all that remains. 

We hiked the Appalachian Trail! Cross that one off the list ;)
But seriously, we discussed returning to hike a larger portion of it maybe for a week or so when the kids are old enough to understand what will be required (hiking all day- every day, sleeping along the trail, eating solely out of the backpack, etc). They would have to have the desire to do this and the ability to actually keep up. If you are unfamiliar with the trail, it is 2,180 miles long, running thru 14 states from Maine to Georgia! 

The view from the peak of Mount Greylock.

Afterwards we warmed up in the Bascom Lodge with some chili and hot chocolate. 

The Veterans War Memorial was unfortunately closed for tours.

1 comment:

  1. I love the one of Asher running, and you look so beautiful in the one of you and Journey looking at the camera!
