Monday, June 30, 2014

Twin MOMS Unite

Let me tell you a secret about being a twin mom. It's very, very fun...and it's very, very hard. We have special support needs because having two kids that are exactly the same age is COMPLETELY different than having one or two children of different ages. Not saying it's harder (though in many ways it is, while in some it's not) but it brings different challenges, so often it just feels easier to relate to someone who also lives this life. Luckily there are groups that are specifically for twin moms to support each other and I am was lucky enough to have two of them. One was my local group of twin moms in Vegas, the LV MOMS (Mothers Of Multiples). Unfortunately I didn't find them until about a year before we left. I wish I had joined them from the get-go because they are awesome! They organize moms only nights at least once a month, family events about as often and playgroups whenever needed. I have some really great friends from that group. *This is a local chapter of a national group for twin moms, so if you are one, I highly recommend finding your local chapter and joining!
Here's Asher and Journey with their twin friends at the club's Easter egg hunt. 

THEN I have this other group....we have been together for four years now. We began as a support group on for women expecting twins in April of 2011. So all of our children were due the same month, even though their actual birthdays are spread apart by up to 4 months, but this means that we are all going thru roughly the same stages at the same time. We have gone thru pregnancy, birth, baby stages and potty training together. We have since transitioned our group to Facebook and have become a very active group who offers support for each other and a place to safely vent frustrations (I'm telling you, having twins can be very frustrating at times, especially when they are both 3 years old and not napping anymore!) There are roughly 50 moms from all over the US and Canada. We organized a trip to Vegas a couple years back and I was able to meet a handful of them in person. 5 moms - 11 kids + Vegas =  a crazy few days!

We had a fake bachelorette party and it *may* have ended Hangover style....
 But you know what they say, what happens here.... 

Another mom, Liese, lives in California so we have met up with her family multiple times when we were out there.

What does this have to do with our trip? Well, I'm trying to meet as many of my FB mom friends, and their twins, as I can while our adventures take us across the US. So when you see me mention a FB twin mom, you'll understand what I'm talking about.

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