Saturday, February 13, 2016

Hello and Goodbye

The best part about being back in Vegas, was spending time with friends. Some came to visit us at the refuge which was the perfect way for us to introduce them to the beauty and wildness of the area. Anina and Russell brought the kids for their first camping trip. We took them on our nightly sunset hike before making s'mores around the campfire.

After breakfast we all hiked the refuge trails together.

Surprising Mommy on the trail.

The kids had a few sleepovers with Jett and Ava. The kids enjoyed hiking the refuge trails with us. Jett kept saying, "I smell nature!" and "This place is beautiful!" 

We took them to Mt Charleston to hunt down more letterboxes. Here they were saying together, "the four 4s are on the case!" So cute! (I call them that because they are only 2 months apart.)

We were lucky to be here when my dear friend Lisa's baby was born. To be able to spend time with her and her husband, take newborn photos for them and have them attend our vow renewal was special. Our friends Robyn and Richmond, who also attended the ceremony, recently bought their first house. We arrived in town just in time to celebrate with them at their housewarming pool party.

Right before we left Vegas, we attended the "Countdown to noon" New Year's Party at the library with Alyssa, Kylie and Wyatt. The kids made their own party hats, did a couple craft projects and jumped on bubble wrap after counting down to noon. It was a fun event.

We had lunch together and then it was time for our final goodbye group hug.

We were happy to have the chance to catch up with many of our friends while in town. Unfortunately there are still many that we didn't get a chance to see.

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