Saturday, August 5, 2023

Eat, Beach, Sleep, Repeat

Before this trip began, when my children were asked what they were most looking forward to, food was at the top of the list. They have not been disappointed! Ceviche is one of the main dishes here and we enjoy it almost daily. It's raw fish (we prefer tuna if available), onions, sweet potatoes, choclo (huge, white corn kernels) and (small, crunchy toasted kernels) in a citrus or tiger milk juice. It's delicious! 

Other traditional dishes we're enjoying are Lomo Saltado (sauted beef), Causa de Pollo (chicken, mashed potatoes with avocado and tomatoes served in a tight tower), pasta with Huancaina sauce and the Pisco Sour. In Miraflores, an entree typically runs $4-6 but can go up to $12. It would be more inexpensive just outside of this area. 

Salchipapas is popular as in other Latin American places we've been. Fries with basically hot dogs. This one is served pobre style with plantains and a fried egg on top.

While our kids are amazingly adventurous with food, sometimes you just want a burger, and this one was delicious! This burger along with the food featured in the first photo all came from our favorite restaurant in Miraflores, LOV. We ate here probably six times in three weeks. Their ceviche is amazing! This is also where Journey made her international singing debut! We sang, "Lost Boy" together.

Enjoying comida Peruana at Mama Olla. 
We learned that the term "Peruvian" is an English term, not used in Peru. Instead they use Peruano/Peruana for people or items of Peru.

We were in town during Peru's Fiesta de Patrias (celebration of independence) so lots of activities were going on. While enjoying a art festival in the park, we spied someone eating one of these elephant ear kind of things. It turns out the Torreja Cachanga is a fried bread with a sweet orange-colored topping. We also tried picarones, which look like thin donuts with a honey dipping sauce.

Pretty much as soon as we arrived in Lima, the kids figured out there are quite a few boba places around. We tried four different ones, but Boba Station was our favorite for smoothies. My favorite turned out to be a Taro Oreo Milkshake, with boba! This purple concoction was delicious and made with ice, so it must not be as bad as the ones in the US, right? The kids usually picked different ones, but Asher really liked the regular oreo, and Journey, the Matcha, and both kids liked their strawberry smoothie. 

Our other favorite boba place was Té Burbuja (Bubble Tea). They have great teas, but my favorite was a pineapple, coconut icee drink, with boba of course. It was very close to Spanish class. How convenient!

We also found great ramen at HIRO. 

Being so close to the beach was such a blessing. We took advantage of the opportunity and went there often. So many steps to get there!

While the water is too cold to really enjoy swimming, it's a big destination for surfing. New to surfing? No problem. A line of tents shade surfing instructors just waiting to take you out to ride the waves, and they even provide wetsuits.

Asher loved looking thru the rocks for sea glass. Journey enjoyed looking for unique colored rocks.

It cracks me up that when I ask my child to take a photo, their little finger still shows up in the frame. Some day soon, this won't happen anymore, and I'll miss it. 

In the photo above, you'll see a pier with a restaurant. Peruvian Pelicans and the extremely elegant Inca Tern like to perch on the pier. From there I was able to get pretty close to this incredible life bird. The bright red bill and feet plus white "mustache" is so striking!

Looking out over the water, I spotted another lifer, a Peruvian Booby, hunting right over some surfers!

While scanning the rocks for these striking Sally Lightfoot Crabs, I spotted another lifer, Blackish Oystercatchers, feeding just below me! 
This pier is great. I later realized Red-legged Cormorants like to hang out of the rocks jutting out into the Pacific. Too far for a good shot though.

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