Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Rollercoasters and Relatives

I couldn't drive thru northeast Ohio without birding some of my favorite spots. We drove thru Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge at sunset before setting up at a nearby Boondockers Welcome for the night. 

The next morning I went alone to Magee Marsh to relive my Biggest Week memories. I was surprised how overgrown it becomes by summer. In early May, this boardwalk is packed with birders for their annual birding festival during peak migration when warblers are easily spotted in the trees.

Looking out over Lake Erie. 
During spring migration, many birds traveling north will see this lake and decide to rest and refuel before crossing it. As a result, the trees nearby will hold brightly colored songbirds to be viewed at a close distance.

Finally we arrived to my brother's house where Asher and Journey got to see their cousins. Everyone had grown so much over the past year. Asher and Journey are 11 and the cousins are now 12, 14, & 16. 

They have a new puppy named Tia!

And their chickens are all grown up.

The nightly dog walks with my brother and sister-in-law are always enjoyable.

Unfortunately, we only managed one hike this visit, a 20 minute walk around Mud Hen Marsh. 

Journey has been playing ukelele for a year now so she was able to play along with Connie and Avery!

Journey had a chance to spend time with her cousins and finally show family her arial acrobatic skills.

Dad took my family plus Jason and Lucy to King's Island. They had a blast!

Lucy insisted on riding a super-intense roller coaster first, a plan that I feared may ruin the rest of the day, however my kids rolled with it and were brave enough to keep going. 

They took a break from the serious stuff to enjoy some more mellow rides. 

And then the girls saw The Slingshot!

And they DID IT! They were lifted so high, then pulled back like an arrow on a bow, then Lucy pulled the cord and they were slung forward thru the air! It was really wild! I'm impressed with their fearlessness.

After everyone else left, the four of us enjoyed a great show with people doing bike/rollerblade/trampoline tricks, while singing and dancing was going on. It was very entertaining. Then we too the elevator to the top of the Eiffel Tower and looked out over the entire park, pointing out the rides they enjoyed.

Another day we met Jane and Barry for lunch. 

We got to see Mom and Grammy a few times.

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