Friday, June 12, 2015

Welcome to City of Rocks, New Mexico!

This was another place that I had only heard about in the RVers Facebook groups. I had no idea how fun it would be, but as soon as we had parked, I was ecstatic! In the midst of flat desert, rose rocks as large as a house grouped together in fun formations just begging to be climbed! There are two campgrounds here, one has water and electric while the other is dispersed, dry camping. We opted for a dry camping site away from everyone else (we could only see one other person from our site), nestled among enormous rocks. I immediately sent photos to Heather, saying, "you need to come here!" It didn't take much prodding, and they did in fact come stay for two nights with us.

If you look closely, Asher can be seen on the large rock just outside our 
door. That's where he chose to eat breakfast and practice climbing.

A gorgeous setting to work on Play-Doh creations.

Our RV is in the background. See the size of the rocks?!

We took off to explore. Daddy and Asher on bikes, Journey and I on foot. I was lagging behind taking photos and I saw them squatting down like this. Asher was calling me over. He had somehow spotted this 1/4" praying mantis! So tiny, even when he was pointing, I could hardly see it!

Asher found these baby cacti next to the yucca and said, "awww". He thinks anything "baby" is cute! 

Our friends finally arrived and spent a couple more days with us. 
The kids had a blast exploring and climbing on the rocks.

Table Top Mountain rises above City of Rocks and was just begging to be climbed. Our friends are from Florida where there are no mountains, so this was the first time they've hiked one as a family. It was nice to be with them for this big occasion.

City of Rocks, below us in the distance. I love how this one area is so different from the rest. They appear so small from this height.

 On top of the mountain.

Journey fell asleep on the way back down. Thankful for Chris carrying her much of the hike.

Back at the campsite, Daddy rigged up a harness and gave the boys their first rappelling lesson. 

The boys found this Regal Horned Lizard at our campsite one morning. Super cool!

Our picnic/campfire area during the day.....

.....and at night.

Under millions of stars, this is home!


  1. The stars are unbelievable and that handsome little dude is getting tall

  2. We love City of Rocks! Great photos!
