Monday, March 23, 2015

The Orange Blossom Festival with some Frozen Princesses

Being in Florida, I really wanted to visit an orange orchard. While researching the area I found Mixon's Farm was
having an Orange Blossom Festival so not only could we see the orchard, but the famous Willendas would be there! 

We arrived right as the Willendas began their show! I was shocked to see them do this triangle where
two men balanced a woman on their shoulders as they walked the entire length of the tight wire. 

Next we saw this 70-something aged Willenda climb this bendy pole with no safety equipment! 
Once at the top, she made it sway side to side and held on only with her feet!  

After seeing the show, the kids were ready to do some gravity-defying tricks of their own. They donned harnesses
and jumped/bungeed up into the sky. This was their first time on one of these and they both did amazing. 

They don't really weigh enough to bounce like you're supposed to on these, so the guy 
helped by pulling them down and basically slingshotting them up into the sky. They loved it!

Journey kept asking to go higher, so he let her! Waaaaay up high!

Look at that grin!

And then we saw Elsa and Anna!!! Journey RAN over to them and Elsa swooped her up! 
Asher was a bit more reluctant. Maybe because Spiderman was there?

A little bit later we saw Anna and Elsa again at the fish pond and Asher decided to say hello.

We walked thru Mixon's store and into the processing area where they take the oranges from the fields and get them ready to ship and sell.

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