Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Terre Haute Children's Museum, Indiana

The Terre Haute Children's Museum in Indiana was the perfect break for us to stretch our legs and play. There are three stories of exhibits to explore, but unfortunately we crossed another time zone without realizing it and had only an hour to play.

So many times I wanted to put them in a I finally had my chance!

No children's museum is complete without a water table!

A new exhibit I haven't seen. It's a computerized table showing the outline of a body. You can select which system you want to see- skeletal, circulatory, respiratory, etc, and then slide the screen over it to see the details of that system running thru the body.

Played "news anchor"

This is a neat exhibit with cut-away walls showing the construction of a building (what's behind the walls).

We stayed a couple nights at Camp Atterbury and took time to enjoy their lakes and pool.

1 comment:

  1. they seem so truly interested in every thing--what good learning skills their developing
