Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Day 1- The Adventure Begins

Well, the day has finally come. After months of preparation, selling and giving away our things, we have hit the road as full-time RVers! Woohoo! Clearing out our house was a MUCH bigger task than we had anticipated, and to be honest, there are still some things in the garage, but we have one more day at the end of the month to finish. For now, we are just looking forward to catching our breath with friends in Utah for the next week.

Bye, bye house...

I have to admit, I did shed a tear as we pulled away, and I was the only one. The kids have known this was coming and for the last week, when I did the countdown with them, Asher's response has always been "NOW!" I had to laugh this morning when he woke me before 6, I told him today is finally the day we hit the road, right after we finish packing up. He of course said, "no now!" They were all too happy to say bye, bye to the house.

*just to clarify, I'm very excited, this is just an emotional day, well, and I'm running on very little sleep for the past 3 days.

And the adventure begins!


  1. YAY Im so excited for you guys! Hope we get to see you sometime soon.

  2. Wow!! This sounds sooooo cool!!!
