Sunday, November 5, 2023

Iguaçu Falls National Park {Brazil}

Iguaçu Falls, spanning the border between Brazil and Argentina, is one of the largest and most spectacular waterfalls in the world. With a height of 260ft, it is significantly taller than Niagara Falls (167ft) and four times as wide! While Jog Falls in India (830ft) and Kaieteur Falls in Guyana (741ft) are much taller, Iguazu is famous for having roughly 275 individual flows spanning 1.7 miles! Both Brazil and Argentina have a national park on their side of the Iguazu River. We were able to visit both sides. This post will be about the Brazil side. In Portuguese, waterfall is "cataratas", which is my most favorite portuguese word! Also notice in Brazil it's Iguaçu, and in Argentina, Iguazu. 

Upon arrival, you must board a bus that takes you into the park. They let us off here across from the SUPER fancy hotel ($500+/night). What a view!

Right away we spotted some South American Coatis! A member of the raccoon family whose tail is as long as its body. They are not shy and are obviously accustomed to cleaning up after messy tourists. 

The trail runs thru the forest along the edge, with great views nearly the whole time.

We're looking towards Argentina here. If you look really closely, you can see people walking a boardwalk over the top center fall. See the closer photo below. This gives a better perspective of just how massive these are.

We found quite a bit of wildlife along the trails. Below are a Western Collared Spiny Lizard and two 4ft long Argentine Black-and-white Tegus!

I spotted this gorgeous Green-headed Tanager in the trees along the trail.

The boat gives some perspective here.

Spotted another lifer, the Great Dusky Swift, which roost and nest along the waterfalls!

Found this Giant Cowbird while waiting for the bus to take us back to the parking area.

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