Monday, November 20, 2023

Enjoying VCP

 A park and walking/biking path runs along the southeast shore of Lago San Roque. It's a fabulous place for exercise, nature watching, and relaxing while enjoying the view. We saw many families or couples enjoying picnics and others biking or rollerblading. There are restaurants and shops along the way. We enjoyed getting ice cream on our walks.

We bought Asher a telescoping fishing pole in Cordoba, and he was so happy. He only got to use it here and Valparaiso before airport security confiscated it in Bogota, which was just a connecting flight. Oh, so sad!!!

Fishing along the lake shore.

The kids entertained themselves while I did some birding. This is an excellent park for seeing a variety of birds. Here I was able to watch a Scimitar-billed Woodcreeper dig up grubs for dinner.

Fork-tailed Flycatcher (above)
White-fronted Woodpecker and Blue-crowned Parakeet

Southern Lapwing

Grebes are known for elaborate synchronized mating dances in water. Here I had the pleasure of watching a couple of Great Grebes doing their dance. So fun to watch!

When I first saw these, I thought it was a lifer, but it's a subspecies (White-backed) of Black-necked Stilt. Really attractive bird! It has a lot more white on its head than the ones we see in the USA.

A raft of Neotropic Cormorants.

Burrowing Owls have burrows in the park. We saw two on the ground before they were chased into a tree by a loose dog. It's hard being a ground nesting bird in a park.

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